a fickle wish... an unknown curse


-- by Blue





for the silence

that i longed for yet i can't seem to enjoy.


there was a time when peace was the longest dream of an insomniac of the land. a hiding monster of the night of legends, a criminal to the balance of the kingdom of the creatures of the day. it longed to fit in within the rules and regulations of an outstanding and well-known civilization. to be recognized as a member of the royal court may be much of a high horse of a dream, but just being one of the throngs working through the toils of the town square seems to be enough of a privilege. anything is better than hiding in the shadows—alone. 


dots yet again 

for the quiet that i wished for back then.

a curse it seemed to have befallen such a creature. a witch of the darkness may have been the cause. myths have been crafted to depict such a lonely tale that soon turned into a horror story meant to scare kids into bed. what had fate intended to bring such a pitiful ending? it hasn't even finished yet. the main character turned villain is obviously still there, but the minds of people turned its existence into a mere myth that couldn't possibly be true. how cruel could fate get? more it seemed, for no matter how reality be turned into fiction, still, no one could deny that it is referred to as a monster—feared and hated by most if not all. 



for the wish that has finally come true. 

 compensation for the curse it gave me?

has the witch taken pity and given me what i want?


it's not that.


the witch gave no pity. 

it only abandoned me. 

its existence haunted me

yet its very essence has already disappeared. 

words have left me

but words plagued me still.

what could a prisoner do to escape in caged bars? stay good and behaved till the sentence is over? stay unnoticed and blend in the background to remain unseen? just out of sight to get out of trouble? a fitting rule that the monster dutifully adhered to, yet not out of obligation. it just didn't have any choice.

through the cursed nights it did its best to be heard. it chanted poems, it sang its songs. the epics of its fictional tales born out of real strifes and struggles were heard under the guize of a traveling bard, mysterious and anonymous. simply a magical legend to battle its own  horrific myth. it was fun. the lack of sleep was aided by a mind full of stories and a waking hour filled with daydreams. 

but the cases were switched. a curse turned blessing has made a dream akin to a nightmare. the silence was no solace. it was a monster itself waiting to swallow it whole and alive. 


dots my friend

from your runaway bard.

dots as an offering for the plague that threatens

for the one devouring my head.

dots my friend

this i offer

for no words could ever explain.






this is the silence

from the days you have not heard from me

even though i sincerely wanted 

to be heard.

____________ thanks for reading ^^

art by me, blue <3


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