--- by Blue
She thought she heard the neighbor's dog claw through her usually locked front door one morning. It was not that unusual if all things considered. She usually wakes up to the noise. Already she has dubbed it as her own personal alarm clock. That wasn't out of the ordinary.
What was not normal however was that she has no more supplies left on the fridge to make herself some breakfast. There was some butter in there, about a quarter out of a whole. There was water as well. A whole lot of them. 'That wouldn't be enough tho,' she told herself. She tried living off of just tap water for a whole day once. It didn't end well.
She got up, more against her will, and scurried off to buy groceries. A basket in hand and her purse fitting tightly inside the pockets of her trusty skirt, she was off to fend away the dog at her door and quickly set off to market right after.
She was sure to leave her doors and windows locked before she truly left, however. She doubled checked, twice for comfort, resulting in her running back and forth from the sidewalk back to her former lawn and in front of her doorsteps several times in a row. It was quite a sight for the neighbors who gave her silent shaking heads and faint clicking sounds with their tongues that she didn't hear.
It was a trivial task, groceries. You get what you need, put them in your cart, then pay for them at the register. Easy steps, easily done. 'Just follow the instructions,' once again, she told herself.
With a few awkward laughs and a sprinkle of uncomfy stares, finally! It was done. It was then time to go back.
The dog was there again, now barking while clawing for the door to open up. There were claw marks on the wood's former painted glory. They formed glaring jagged white and yellowy lines over the peeling pink color.
She shuddered at the sight and shooed the dog away.
She checked for every lock of every door and every window, from front to side and back. Everything was in its place. No door was cracked even a tiny bit open.
She then went back to stand on her welcome mat, lifted the basket that she left there when she checked for the entirety of the house, nod her head with a smile, and went inside. Doors locked like they're supposed to, mission accomplished!
Of course, that was too good to be true.
That night, she heard iT.
iT knocked, not at her door but in her mind.
"WaKe uP!iTS TiMe!" iT said. "You MiSSeD Me, RiGHT? You HaVe SuFFeReD WiTHouT Me. WeLL, i HaVe CoMe BaCK! i WiLL GiVe You THe WiSHeS You HaVe iGNoReD. iT iS TiMe."
When you ask for the help of the devil, it will help you. When you call out it's name, it will answer.
'Just follow the steps,' she told herself once. ''Just follow the steps and it will be all over. You will be saved.'
Ask for the demon. Call out its name. Tell them you wish to remember your dreams. Tell them to help you write all the words because the emptiness of the manuscripts fills you with a burning fire that scorches your insides making you scream. Tell them you wish to pour all the words out stuck in your head. Tell them you need them out of your head 'cause their driving you crazy. Tell them to silence all the words when you need them to be. Tell them to have you sleep when you need to and wake when you must. Tell them all that and more. Even if they are contradicting. Even if they cancel out each other. Even if you can never seem to stop listing every want down because you can't just have one misery to fix. Life was generous enough to give you more.
But the demon can only handle just as much. iT is not God.
So you follow the steps and iT gives you three wishes.
She followed the steps and was given her first three wishes, without knowing that it was only the first three that she would be given.
"But that can't be!" she shouted. "I take it back! Just three wishes—I didn't know!"
"That's WHaT You GeT FoR oPeNiNG YouR MouTH Too SooN! BuT DoN'T WoRRY MY DeaR. I WiLL Be aLL THe HeLP You NeeD."
Dreams were never forgotten. All those nights were written. All those words were freed.
But a demon wouldn't be a demon if iT was that nice.
Dreams were never forgotten for they were nightmares every night. Nightmares were the only ones that get stuck in the head after all, leeching onto the brain like a parasite meant to wake you dead.
All the words exploded like dynamites aiming for the kill. Like assassins meant for her—specially for her.
And the voices, they never stopped. They only grew louder and louder and louder until she couldn't sleep.
Along then is iT's whisper with every open door, just like the broken window up on the unchecked dark and dusty attic.
_______________ Thank you so much for reading ^^
art used made by me
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