everything is a murderer

--- by Blue the clock has been numbering the hours that i would have to spend in my fragile body. this scraggly lump of flesh that are not much and are more of bones would not last long, i bet. hoping for the best is fruitless as well. i sow seeds of wishes and dreams, yet i only harvest disappointments. the garden has been bleak. the farm basically barren. i could not stand the sight so i watered them with my tears every chance that i get. every instance that i take a short peek. it is an endless cycle. time has been out to kill me at the second that i was born. bounty hunters tried to follow its example to take more of what the measly years i have left. anxiety. it is my worst enemy. it is like the ultimate last boss in a game of my life that i would like to instantly list on something that i can physically read so i may leave it out of my head. pour out from the illussions of a ceramic teapot to see that it is real and not just a fantasy that i have conjured out of ...